Are Black Tea Leaves Low FODMAP? The Full Guide

No, Black tea leaves contain moderate amounts of FODMAPs in a typical serving size. Possible FODMAPs: fructans

Typical serving size: 250 ml (250g)

This portion contains moderate amounts of FODMAPs and may cause symptoms in some people.

Other serving sizes for Black tea leaves

✅  Low FODMAP serving size: 180 ml (180g)

This portion contains low amounts of FODMAPs, making it suitable for most people with IBS.

Best Low FODMAP alternatives to Black tea leaves for your diet

You can substitute Black tea leaves by swapping them with green tea, peppermint tea, white tea. These alternatives work great in most recipes and are gentler on your stomach if you’re following a low FODMAP diet.

Are Black tea leaves good for people with IBS?

Black tea leaves can be high or low in FODMAPs depending on the serving size. For those managing IBS or SIBO during the elimination phase, it’s recommended to stick to smaller, safer portions, limit medium portions, and avoid large ones in a single meal. Allow adequate time between meals to support digestive processing and minimize potential IBS symptom triggers.

Pro tip: Ingredients under 2% of a product or used for colouring are typically too minimal to trigger FODMAP reactions.

About Black tea leaves

Black tea, commonly used in beverages and as a flavouring agent in various culinary dishes, is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant that have been fully oxidised, and it contains caffeine which may cause adverse effects in sensitive individuals.

About Low FODMAP Diet

The Low FODMAP diet is designed to reduce the intake of fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, which can cause digestive discomfort. This diet typically follows three stages: elimination, gradual reintroduction of foods, and personalisation to help manage symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other functional gastrointestinal disorders.


What is “Typical serving size”?

Typical serving size refers to the standard serving size of a food product, determined by factors such as official nutritional guidelines, packaging serving size recommendations, and healthy eating standards. For example, a typical serving size might include two slices of bread or half a cup of cooked vegetables. In the context of FODMAPs, Typical serving size provides a baseline for assessing a food's digestive impact and nutritional characteristics..

Are the weights in the article cooked or raw?

Values are usually given for raw product. Ingredient categories such as meat, cereals, rice, pasta have values in cooked form

How do I use portion sizes during the 3-step FODMAP diet?

During step 1 of the Low FODMAP diet, we recommend that you choose “Low FODMAP serving size” of foods limit“Moderate FODMAP serving size” and avoid “High FODMAP serving size” of foods. “High FODMAP serving size” and“Moderate FODMAP serving size” of foods are then slowly reintroduced, depending on your level of tolerance, in steps 2 (FODMAP reintroduction) and 3 (FODMAP personalisation) of the diet

About the author 

Emily Stewart, MPH, RD, LDN is a Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Therapist licensed to treat clients in PA, NJ, FL, and TX. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics and a Master's of Public Health from West Chester University of Pennsylvania. After completing the RD program at Rutgers University, Emily worked as a Clinical Dietitian for both Penn at Princeton and RWJ University hospitals specializing in the treatment of Eating Disorders at the Inpatient, Partial and Intensive Outpatient levels of care.

December 18, 2024

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